Lawn Care

Most sod areas we have inspected have common problems: compacted soils (clay, poor root development, shallow moisture penetration, and lack of ability to absorb essential nutrients. All of the above problems lead to excessive water usage, easily stressed lawn areas, and usually excessive use of petro-chemical treatments.

We recommend a different approach!

Our liquid kelp, with added chelated iron, will supply the soil with essential micronutrients, enhance water percolation to deeper levels (aided by the natural wetting agents and surfactants found in kelp), promote healthier, deeper root development, stimulate biological processes in the soil, improve moisture retention and allow better absorption of available nutrients. Regular application of our product will result in greener, healthier lawns, with the added bonus of reduced water usage over time.

Our kelp product is environmentally healthy, 100% organic, and is safe for children and pets.

We will be happy to evaluate your lawn area for soil condition, root development, and moisture base at no additional charge, prior to application and at each subsequent visit.

Pricing Example
BioTree recommends 3 to 4 applications per growing season at $100 per application for up to a 2500 sq.ft. lawn.

Discounts available when combined with tree care and please call for pricing on larger lawns.

© 2013, Biotree